Todd Anderson

About the Prints:

Flame is a 7 layer, 7 color lithograph. Originally drawn in black, Anderson translated his image into a full color print that eschews hard black lines. Anderson and Sanders worked to build layers of tone that suggest the depth and mass of a physical object.  

Like Flame, Union Square is the visual residue of imagination and engagement with disciplined drawing through the medium of printmaking. For Anderson, these artworks serve as visual forums for an emotional and intellectual evaluation of the natural world. His experiences as an avid rock climber and backcountry hiker have provided him with a unique perspective on the landscapes he has traversed both physically and metaphorically. These recent prints are the direct result of witnessing the collapse of glaciers into high altitude lakes and the formation of icebergs while climbing. The glacier’s illusion of permanence, the hidden world of the iceberg beneath the surface, and the kinetic potential of geologic time are bound into these images. As if releasing Friedrich’s heart to the hands of postmodernism, Anderson addresses the romantic notion of wilderness and wildness through alluringly beautiful and fiery abstractions as well as fictional landscapes. 

About the Artist

Todd Anderson was born in Rochester, MN, and completed his BFA at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his MFA at the University of New Mexico. In addition to exhibiting both nationally and internationally, Todd has worked at several internationally recognized print studios including Tandem Press-Wisconsin, Hole Editions-UK, and The Artist’s Press- South Africa. Currently, Anderson is an Assistant Professor of Printmaking at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. You can find more of Anderson’s work at

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